Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fun Fact about Library

Diambil dari buku Manners at the Library terbitan tahun 2005.

  1. In the United States (US) more people visit library than to the movies
  2. The US has more public library than Mc Donalds
  3. About 132.000 librarians work in US libraries
  4. The Library of Congress in Washington DC is the largest library in the world open 1800, has almost 530 miles (850 km) of shelves. Has 19 milion of books, 12 milion of photographs, and 5 milion of maps

Itu tahun 2005 datanya segitu, hebat. Tiga tahun kemudian jadi nambah berapa banyak ya?.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

The flowers not just a flower, but the love with full of colors
To You Mothers
Love will never end

Ps; picture taken from google

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Pagi itu di rumah sakit, sehari setelah Ade Ilman lahir. Raka berujar dengan binar dimatanya
"I will be a dad soon like you Ayah"

Mungkin saat itu Raka merasakan aura bahagia pada ayahnya yang baru saja menjadi Bapa dengan 3 anak.

Beberapa waktu lalu, di suatu sore kami berempat (Ibu dengan the boys) ngobrol di ruang tengah. Raka memegang pulpen dengan kertas dihadapannya, Ai juga. Sedangkan Ibu dan Ade baca buku. Tiba tiba Raka ngajak ngobrol,

Raka : Ibu can Ade be my son?
Ibu : Nya henteu tiasa atuh Ka, Ade will always be your brother, don't you want to have your own son?
Raka : but, if I want to have my own son, I'll need a girl
Ibu : Yes off course, someday, you'll fine the right girl to marry with
Raka : O,ya *sambil tersipu malu*.
Ibu : So how many children do you want to have?
Raka : Five, 4 daughters and 1 son
Ibu : Wow, good. How about you Ai?
Ai : I don't know
Raka : How about five like me Ai, but you have 2 sons and 3 daughters
Ai : Ok *tiis:P*
Raka : And Ade will have 3 sons and 2 daughters so each one will have 5 children
Ibu : Alah ibu geus nini niniiii....hehehe so how many grand children will Ibu have?
Raka : *kerung mikir* 15, 9 grand daughters and 6 grand sons
Ibu : Wow alhamdulillah. I can't wait
Raka : Yes, and I will drive our family bus, and all of us will go together
Ibu : Ibu, Ayah, you and your wife and Ai's family, Ade's family too in one bus?? where?
Raka : Yes all of us, big family...somewhere, travel *sambil menerawang dengan binar dimatanya*
Ibu : Sure, that would be nice *tergugu dan terharu, juga hoyong seuri*

Ah Raka....bahagianya impianmu Nak, tidak muluk tapi Indah. Family, happy family. Insha Alloh, semoga.

*si Ibu mah membayangkan jadi nini nini dengan cucu 15 orang recet sekeliling *